Arpeggiator: An advanced variation of the classic synthesizer effect, modifies incoming notes and plays them back in programmable patterns. New! Warp Sequencer: Generate chord-based sequences with hand-drawn speed curve. New! Wave Sequencer: 12 note-based clocked event generators with poly aftertouch output.
New! Rain Sequencer: 12 note-based vertical sequencers with discrete speed, velocity, and pan modifiers. New! Probability Arp: Arp with chance-based octave, ratchet, skip, accent, direction, pan, and harmonization. New! Euclidean Keys: Generate discrete euclidean-based sequences for each key in the chromatic scale.
Lifetime free updates to Fruity Edition by download.- New! Cartesian Sequencer: Cartesian sequencer with discrete X/Y movement and auto randomizer. +Drumsynth Live percussion synthesizer. Used as VST instrument in another host e.g. Internal controllers as a modulation source. #VST ACADEMIC DISCOUNT SOFTWARE FULL#
Full automation of all enabled parameters (as Event Automation). Piano roll allowing chords and note-slides. Supports unlimited VST & DX plugin instruments. Effects - Delay, Delay Bank, Equo, Flangus, Love Philter, Vocoder, Parametric EQ & EQ2, Multiband Compressor, Spectroman, Stereo Enhancer, Wave Candy, Wave Shaper, Soundgoodizer, ZGameEditor Visualizer. Instruments - TS404, 3OSC, Autogun, Channel Sampler, BooBass, Beepmap, Plucked, Fruit Kick, FPC, WaveTraveller, Dashboard, KB Controller, Fruity Vibrator, Midi Out, FL Slayer, FL Keys, Granuliser. 4 to 64 notes in the Step Sequencer per pattern (up to 999 patterns). Unlimited number of instrument Channels. Access to the Mixer (104 Mixer channels, rerouting, integrated EQ and more). Play back or render a single pattern at a time of up to 64 steps.
Route and mix Channels through any number of the 104 Mixer tracks and add effects such as delay, reverb, flanging chorusing, EQ etc. Each ‘loop’ pattern can consist of an unlimited number of Channel instruments/samples. Enter velocity, pan, modulation, pitch and note-start offset per-note. Enter beats or monophonic notes on each instrument Channel (unlimited Channels).
Program or record 999 separate ‘loop’ patterns into the step-sequencer.Client VST/Rewire support so you can use FL Studio as an instrument in VST/Rewire compatible.Pattern clips can hold note (Piano roll / Stepsequencer) and Automation (Event Automation) data.
Playlist Pattern Clip arranging so an unlimited number of Pattern Clips can be stacked and or placed end-to-end in series in the Playlist to create complete musical works of unlimited complexity. This automation data is saved in Pattern Clips. Event Automation allows the control of almost any FL Studio parameter or plugin knob using the Event Editor. Piano roll enables unlimited length patterns and the ability to record/play chords for each instrument Channel. This means Fruity edition unlocks the full melodic and instrumental performance capabilities : Fruity Edition adds access to the Playlist Pattern Clips for complex and lengthy arranging/sequencing and automation of program/plugin parameters.įruity edition, adds three very important features. Fruity Edition is aimed at composers who need Piano roll for complex melodies and to record/play chords.